ELA WIATR ★ The New Renaissance Art (Nuovo Rinascimento) is promoting creation in this unique field through a recognition of the pioneering work of herself. Wiatr has become one of the most prestigious artists in the art world, and the only one in the world dedicated to the study of life. With each new event, Ela Wiatr shows a great progress made in the work to promote and stimulate art in life and time sensitivity converge..
Artistic actions, artifacts, sculptures or paintings by ELAWIATR often show us the world from very different perspectives. They are universal. An artist remarks on things from reality and tries to dragoon other people into her games. The actions that ELAWIATR invents are very different and open. They depend on how much crazy her imagination is. But one thing is obvious - nothing is going to stop ELAWIATR from realizing her projects. ELAWIATR applies different methods and techniques. She paints and draws. She also takes pictures, particularly self-portraits, because she thinks they are always unrepeatable. She is creating a blog (www.elawiatr.blogspot.com ), a websites (www.elisabeththequeen.com, www.elawiatr.com) and many interesting and controversial actions that bring confusion among art society. She brims with ideas. As she claims: 'An artist can do anything she or he wants in the domain of art'. ELAWIATR is fascinated by her own New Renaissance, and she doesn't understand  the mechanisms which make a show business megastar from an average person without talent. Paintings by ELAWIATR evoke different associations. According to Plotinian theory, everything that is visible leads to what is extrasensory and transcendental. The New Renaissance art of ELAWIATR opens for us the spiritual world and it explains hidden meaning of symbols in Culture . Her art can provoke to ask the question if an artist isn’t sometimes coerced into pop culture mechanisms and become its icon herself. We should open ourselves for hidden meanings of ELAWIATR’s art. Let it to persuade us. Do not restrict yourself only to a visual perspective. We will not be disappointed by the ramble that ELAWIATR invites us for. 
'Is ELAWIATR a person who breaks art the law for personal benefits? Is she a person who uses her social status to handle her own business? Or maybe she's just a rebel... a troublemaker...? I just don't like her. It's not that I'm envious of her because of the fact that she perfectly mastered the New Renaissance Art of self-creation and became a legend thanks to it. No-one will deny that she didn't trouble herself as much as Michelangelo when wall-painting in the Sistine Chapel. She's just producing her self-portraits, paintings and it obliges her to speak frankly: yes, I'm an artist, worship me.
I won't change the history of art and the fact that her name is somehow known in the artistic circle.
What a hybrid is it? It's an art? My next question is: Is ELAWIATR a real person or is she one of the best artificial products ever made? Well... to be an artist you have to be a good economist first. ELAWIATR is climbing up the ladder thanks to her own point of view. Her artistry is too strong to fight against. I have to quit watching everything about her.' 

>>Many people predict that ELAWIATR will soon fall by the wayside with a crash. But nobody knows that this can only help in her career. What ELAWIATR performs nowadays differs from her earlier activities. It resembles a paso doble dance which cannot be stopped. ELAWIATR dances, poses, manipulates, creates, transforms, experiments. She toils constantly, as if she wanted to discover the definition of an artist anew. She smokes too much, she drinks too much and she is too much self-centred. And she weighs too little. Her paintings, her creation and statements may confound each sensible person. There are no doubts that ELAWIATR has an acting gift. She is a real art.

One of ELAWIATR’s methods is to define boundaries between reality and New Renaissance, between reality of everyday life and art. However, can art be everything? How to determine and evaluate the work of art if everything is allowed, if there are no uniform criteria? Joseph Beuys said that “everyone can be an artist” but not everyone can be ELAWIATR.
An artist is a creator, he becomes a master of a work. Her gesture, movement, action and her presence are elements that make the conservative art highly distinctive. ELAWIATR wants to start a mass production of works about herself or about incidental common objects. ELAWIATR provokes the strongest debate when she plays a role beloved by mass media, namely the role of star. She uses the mechanisms of show business as a part of her artistic creation. As you know, according to a stereotype, an artist has rarely been a recognizable media person. This annoys people. And it has to annoy. Gently. Subtly. Nonstop. The image that ELAWIATR creates is an injury to all living artists and in general to entire contemporary art. Her art is an enclave of experiments, searching for her own personality and presenting a new sensibility. She is a good reflection of today’s state of her spirit. Undoubtedly, ELAWIATR’s art means a lot. It shows a sense of crisis and indecision, but on the other hand, it emanates with a certain optimism. Now there will be more freedom and truth. To figure out her art you need to know the rules of New Renaissance Art language. Contrary to popular opinion, she is not so hermetic and self-centred. It is worth considering it more closely.
ELAWIATR is a PHENOMENON, an ELEMENT (the element of thought). She does not exist as an ordinary human being. By creating her own reality and going beyond herself, she starts to be non corporeal astral matter. She still creates her own reality but she does not hesitate to pass to a different one. ELAWIATR thinks ahead, beyond the place and space in which she is to enter into the next one. She is aware of contemporary art, she traces its actions, absorbs it, permeates with it, she is art herself.

We cannot understand her actions. They may seem to us too strong and cheeky - in a word, they can be totally negated. 
Don’t judge! Let us see and hear. It will be difficult at the beginning, but when we reflect more on the essence of a creation, all elements will fall into place and reveal the hidden sense. Then, we will understand what she wanted to convey. Does not ELAWIATR motivate and stimulate thinking about certain topics? This is what a provocation is all about. People don’t understand it. Not able to think about it, they immediately attack. Nothing could be further from the truth!
She is aware of the fact that an aggressive provocation activates emotions. And that is the point- to arouse emotions. Every important topic, for example life, death, good, evil, love or hatred stirs emotions. All great people evoke emotions, they are the quintessence of emotions. ELAWIATR belongs to the same category of people. ELAWIATR is an EMOTION and she aims for EMOTIONS. Before you start judging her, try to become the quintessence of emotions for a moment, and you will realize that emotions are most important, steadfast and pervasive. 

Zacna i dziwna

Outsiderka. Buntowniczka. Ryzykantka. Manipulatorka. Wyzyskiwaczka. Ekscentryczka. Popularna. Konsekwentna. Dziwna i zacna. Trudna – mówiąc łagodnie. Dla niektórych jedna z najciekawszych artystów młodego pokolenia. Mówi rzeczy, których wielu wolałoby nie usłyszeć. Nie z każdym chce pracować. I nie każdy chce z nią pracować. Charakterystyczna. Słynie z krwistych wypowiedzi. Przed państwem - ELAWIATR

Artyści i to chyba w każdej dziedzinie mówią często że są tylko rzemieślnikami, że ważny jest dla nich warsztat . . . Tych którzy tak mówią uważam za jedną wielką artystyczną pomyłkę. A jak myślisz, za kogo oni Ciebie uważają? Pewnie podobnie jak ja ich. Zresztą pieprzyć ich, niech mówią że jestem bezczelna, arogancka, że się lansuje, swoją sztukę! a przede wszystkim właśnie swoją osobę, to ich wszystkich boli, bo robie to fenomenalnie ponieważ jestem sobą, a myślą że robię to po to być wyrazistym, żeby się wyróżniać. Wyróżniasz się. Wygodnie gadać że ELAWIATR świruje bo chce się wyróżniać, bo chce być wyraźna. Wiesz ja dużo razy proponowałam by stworzyć wspólnie razem jakąś formacje, grupę, jakiś punkt odniesienia, i nie było chętnych. Nigdy. Tylko jednej osobie nie musiałem nić mówić, bo on myślał o tym samym, i myśli tak samo jak ja, wiedział o co chodzi. Robert Kuta. Jasne! Mój artystyczny mąż. Wasz sukces? Na to bardzo ciężko obydwoje pracujemy. Od dawna. Nigdy nie ukrywałam że moim jednym z wielu celów jest sława i pieniądze. Ale nie w sposób w jaki dzisiaj się to odbywa. Po chamsku, desperacko, gorączkowo podlizując się odbiorcy dla chwilowego poklasku i zysku. Ta chora sytuacja wygenerowała tanie karierki piosenkarek, modelek, dziennikarzy, nawet artystów, którzy zwyczajnie się szmacą. Dzwonią do ciebie i mówią: skurw się! Skurw się za grosze! Ty się kiedyś skurwiłeś? Może kilka razy, to były fatalne wystawy. Nie wiedziałam jeszcze o co w tym wszystkim tak na dobrą sprawę chodzi. Po jakimś czasie, pewne rzeczy zrozumiałam, wtedy byłam gówniarą, i każda taka możliwość była strasznie podniecająca, bo coś się działo. Wtedy to było coś, Przed naszym spotkaniem, przeglądnęłam kilka katalogów z Twoich wystaw, byłam również na Twojej najnowszej wystawie „Nothing inside”. Prezentujesz tam prace odbiegające od Twoich poprzednich realizacji bo fenomenalnie organizujesz przestrzeń, wszystkie te obrazy, instalacje świetnie ze sobą współoddziaływują, wystawa robi wrażenie, zapada w pamięć… Wchodząc do galerii stajesz się częścią sztuki. Tak bardzo nie dziwi mnie fakt że na różnego rodzaju wernisażach czy pokazach sztuki, wszyscy zwracają uwagę na mnie i na Roberta, a nie na sztukę. To coś co nas napędza, to inny świat. Zafascynowała mnie twoja osoba, twoja kreacja Bo walczę o swoje. Tak naprawdę nie mam marzeń, mam tylko cele. Chcę wejść w przestrzeń, gdzie miałabym możliwość pokazania ludziom , szerokiej grupie odbiorców inny sposób myślenia, inną nowa rzeczywistość, Nowy Renesans. I wiesz nie obchodzi mnie co myślą sobie o mnie inni artyści, bo zauważyłam że w Polsce znajduje się potężna gromadka, jakieś koło różańcowe idiotów, którzy dyskutując na temat sztuki nie mają o tym wszystkim pojęcia. I znowu się narażasz, jakiś artysta czytający ten wywiad pomyśli że ELAWIATR wygaduje bzdury… I dobrze, przynajmniej ludzie będą mówić szczerze o sztuce, bez dyplomacji, bo to nie idzie w dobrym kierunku, chodzi o rozwój, bo to kurwa wszystko źle się skończy. Nie powiesz komuś prawdy że robi gówno, bo go urazisz, urazisz jego pieprzoną artystyczną dumę. Gdzie Ci artyści pogubili dystans do tego wszystkiego? No gdzie?! Ale przecież doskonale wiesz, że w znacznej części środowiska artystycznego wzbudzasz po prostu agresje, wkurzasz ludzi swoim postępowaniem. Ok. niektórych to nawet bawi. Ja bym tak nie chciała. Wydaje się że taka reakcja ludzi jest normalna. Ale tak naprawde, reakcje ludzi podobają mi się. Bo to znaczy że moja sztuka działa na nich w jakiś sposób, bo obudziła ich kompleksy, frustracje, wytrąciłem ich swoją postawą z letargu, myślę że to już dużo. Są koszty i bonusy takiej postawy. Domyślam się że nie masz zbyt wielu przyjaciół z tzw. branży. Są tylko fałszywi przyjaciele, których przyciąga moja osobowość, i weź przestań, bo to jest chore. Ja również niespecjalnie przyjaźnie się z dziennikarzami.Widzisz. Wokół nas krążą chmary złośliwych, nieutalentowanych i niedowcipnych ludzi, którzy nie wiedzą o co w tym chodzi. Trzeba się takich ludzi wystrzegać, i być może dlatego też nie mam przyjaciół. Za to ludzi którzy mówią podobnym językiem należy zachęcać do dialogu. A dlaczego inni nie chcą z Tobą pracować? Nie mogę akceptować wszystkich durnych pomysłów ludzi. To nie o to chodzi, by się wszedzie pokazywać, za wszelką cenę. Jesteś pracowita i bezkompromisowa. Jestem pracowita i bezkompromisowa. Ktoś to w końcu doceni. A jak Ci się żyje? Naprawdę rewelacyjnie. Naprawdę jesteś szczęśliwym człowiekiem?Mój świat wygląda teraz trochę inaczej, niż kilka lat temu. Może powinniście mnie słuchać bardziej uważnie, kiedy mówię że jestem prawdziwa, mówię prawdę. To nie jest udawane. >Niesłychane jest, że to nie jest normą a wręcz budzi zdziwienie ! Świadczy to tylko o poziomie energetycznym otaczających nas ludzi.

 Tak jestem szczęśliwym człowiekiem. Na koniec, czego pragniesz? Więcej sławy.

rozmawiała: Anna Rybacka dla "ArtForum".

Ela Wiatr - Nie żyje wprost czy poprostu, a raczej tworzy własne zycie

ELAWIATR is like a New Renaissance Culture in a microcosm and macrocosm scale. She exists in a sphere of ‘between’. Her uniqueness and individuality come from the fact that she attempts to extend the understanding of theatre. Actor’s actions are not about his personal feelings but about an ambiguous stage act. Her body transforms into a commodity that can be freely designed and packaged. In market-based reality, a particular work is not considered to be a creation of its author, but the one who puts his signature - the one whose name ensures a commercial success.

The example of ELAWIATR shows the type of culture in which it is the audience who decides about the author of a particular statement. In this situation, an author loses some privileges and his function is in some way limited to role-play. To maintain his position, an author has to accept at least some demands formulated by the community, that is, he has to create his own individuality to match the common image about an artist’s personality. Therefore, ELAWIATR has to act and make her existence artificial according to an approved model (?). Taking it all into consideration, her activity appears to be a result of three phenomena, namely “ a cultural performance”, a method of a personality formation by means of market system and a process of “an actor’s death on stage”.
ELAWIATR can take a pose of star which performed by another person would be dull and not very reliable. ELAWIATR can create her own personality to a limited extent because she is independent on a place that she occupies in the social hierarchy. Therefore, she creates an exceptional whole mixing together different threads and situations. As a result, ELAWIATR’s existence consists of a completely authentic formation and a role played according to assumptions accepted previously as the effect of submission to cultural conventions. By inventing her own personality, ELAWIATR creates a model of conduct that may become an alternative to schemes already established in social memory.


We have to admit it; frankly, ELAWIATR is the best artist of the young generation. She is a cheeky artist; a one of a kind artist. It’s no secret that ELAWIATR creates New Renaissance Art and her own self-aesthetic. For several years, young artists have been trying to imitate newspapers, advertisements, television, stars, images and objects. The interest in banality has actually become a valid and fixed standard. But what differs ELAWIATR from other artist is the fact that she creates a new and authentic personality, with the use of appropriate measures. She plays with art and she is both as an artist and as art herself at the same time. Everything she does is balanced and considered carefully. Sometimes, instead of a ‘total artist’, she is thought to be a ‘total businesswoman’. ELAWIATR began her artistic career in 1988, when she was born. After she won some awards during the International Biennial of Drawing; an exhibition where ELAWIATR was the brain and spiritus movens. After some time, she decided to open her own gallery in a very specific place. There hasn’t been any exhibition yet. The young and ambitious artist, who dominated the art scene for several years was and still is attacked from all sides. According to many critics, ELAWIATR's style is to shock without a grain of reflection, and to pay attention on herself. ELAWIATR is the exact opposite of those artists who build their careers deepening their skills, observations and the topic of their work very slowly and laboriously. ELAWIATR was in the spotlight at a very young age and she now invests in her own artistic development more and more firmly. She focuses striking and effective actions on herself. She has participated in the most famous exhibitions all over the world. Her name became a brand. She is criticized for dehumanization and obsessive self-centeredness. Traditionalists and conservatives accuse her of immorality, saying that she undermines values. Her works are considered to be incomplete and even completely devoid of workmanship. It is true that ELAWIATR expresses a crisis in traditional art. Nevertheless, she is not the reason, but only a messenger of the bad news. But do those grim and strange themes indicate that art is worthless? The artist’s narcissistic tendencies make her works convincing. ELAWIATR shows the spirit of the times, and therefore, her works emanate the power of expression. ELAWIATR rejects traditional approaches of artistic expression. However, she will always remain faithful to New Renaissance painting. Sometimes, she prefers to show reality rather than reflect it through a picture or a sculpture. She deals with traditional motives of art simultaneously. Changing the perception of reality seems to be the main issue of contemporary culture, and ELAWIATR does so as she makes her life, particularly her artistic life, as art. However, an artist’s work is not only a perverse reversal of artistic activity. An artist wants to touch the truth of the presence. An artist wants to touch something so that death, sex and intimacy become more important. In a sense, ELAWIATR creates a new language of expression for a new spirit of time; beauty of mystery.
However, I think that the attitude/creation of ELAWIATR is thoroughly unique, perhaps because of the fact that her art reflects a specific way of life perception as a sequence of simple facts that cannot be changed.

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