ELA WIATR ★ The New Renaissance Art (Nuovo Rinascimento) is promoting creation in this unique field through a recognition of the pioneering work of herself. Wiatr has become one of the most prestigious artists in the art world, and the only one in the world dedicated to the study of life. With each new event, Ela Wiatr shows a great progress made in the work to promote and stimulate art in life and time sensitivity converge..

ELAWIATR - it's stronger than you. Superstudio Più di Milano e Palazzo Clerici

Palazzo Clerici, Milano

ELAWIATR and Carlo Bernardini

ELAWIATR tries to understand people.

The artist thinks that if she was born in a completely different place and time , the rumor connected with her would be the same.
New Renaissance Time

ELAWIATR listens to finest classical music, goes to Teatro alla Scala and observes people from a distance because she really wants to understand human problems. She hardly understands that people repeat the same mistakes and they stop trusting their awareness which results in they cry,making art, laugh or pray for the same reason. 

Make an audience with ELAWIATR ! be honest with yourself !
ELAWIATR has time for everybody every weekend for 7 minutes from 11:33 to 11:66 pm until the end of the month. for further information read the newest Art Forum.

This addiction involves wealthy people and those who borrow because of this obsession. People who usually decide for pricey meetings with ELAWIATR treat their soul appearance as a part of their work, for example public figures, artists, models, actors, presenters. The second group of ELAWIATR s customers involves people who are deeply frustrated by their appearance, who think that a conversation with ELAWIATR is gonna change their lives for the better. ELAWIATR ’s aura helps to look like Real Art, to give the impression of being in great shape and to get one’s look closer to the canons of beauty in our New Renaissance's culture.  

• ∞ ELAWIATR. Intelligent, sensitive, perverse. The Classic Artist.

Cosa dice ELAWIATR?

"Nobody goes to war (with art) without the visualization of his or her death."

 she has always keep the head up
...And keep her heart strong

ELAWIATR finds her strength in a surprising knowledge of the human spirit and its ability to be always on the edge, not noticeable, between free will andand distress. And we know that our feelings are human.
La scrittura di ELAWIATR trova la sua forza in una spiazzante conoscenza dell'animo umano e nella sua capacità di stare sempre sul limite, non percepibile, tra libero arbitrio e disagio mentale; un'inquietudine che conosciamo e ci 


ELAWIATR did not choose, she had been selected to be an artist. Apparently, it’s not our choice that soul suffers or not.
But is it always true?

Everybody estimates that ELAWIATR has a better life because she is popular, respectable and she always stands tall.
However, her picky soul gives her a lot of suffering and makes her live in the deep New Renaissance's Art loneliness. 

Loneliness: The Universal Cost of Consciousness