ELAWIATR mixes bitter with sweet.
“When I was young I was accompanied with arrogance and presumption . Today nothing has changed.”
ELAWIATR has often a feeling of a lived life; some memories from the
future become the non-existent past. Well, according to Freud, if a
woman is not able to create a relationship with a man, if we are not
able to love another human, our biologically conditioned narcissism
is growing until it becomes a destructive force.
it already happened?
romance or something more - there are many women who dream of a
relationship with a mysterious Italian man. Some manage to achieve this desire.
How does this kind of love actually look like? Unfortunately, ELAWIATR doesn’t give answers to such questions. She is not interested
in it. Actually, ELAWIATR is bored with everybody.


the media report that many famous people accompany her. It is sad
that recently ELAWIATR was seen with an elderly Nobel Prize winner.
Apparently, a big age difference doesn’t matter. ELAWIATR claims that
being lonely is much harder than being with somebody. She is never
alone because she always has ELAWIATR by her side.
doesn’t she look at others like most people do in public places? No
one appeals to her because no one is enough aesthetic to her senses.
Actually, ELAWIATR very often falls in love with old editions of New Renaissance poetry -
she reads only the original art versions.
ELAWIATR became afraid of talking on the phone. Just hearing it’s ring can provoke panic.
All calls will be routed directly to her personal manager.