ElaWiatr at Sotheby's : "You would like to be seen as a soulful human but it will never happen. Artist who feels more than others never understate the level. Your life shows that you feel nothing. Zero."
Tobias Meyer:
"The direction of the current is determined by contemplative. It can upset the viewers’ peace. ElaWiatr is focused on the relationship between herself and the world mixing the feeling of superiority with the melancholy of decay and loss. "
"The direction of the current is determined by contemplative. It can upset the viewers’ peace. ElaWiatr is focused on the relationship between herself and the world mixing the feeling of superiority with the melancholy of decay and loss. "
Claudia Dwek:
"She painted in huge studios, working towards the status of a rebellious star.
ELAWIATR is an exceptional artist and a die-hard person. Like any other individualist, she intrigues and attracts people. She is really a black sheep of the world of art. Her works are recommended for those who are tired of everyday life. ELAWIATR’s art is brilliant and adorable with champagne, seafood or italian ice-creams ; served chilled will make each meeting interesting and pleasant. ELAWIATR is so delicious. "
Miety Heiden:
"In spite of this fact it is a problem to systematize ELAWIATR’s work. When she is interested in a topic, she gives it up very quickly, starts doing something else and leaves the work to be finished by her co-workers. This rule of “prolongation” and “a change of place” (dépaysement) prospers as “the major principle of refuting a myth” in ELAWIATR’s work. Some researchers think that this is because of an influence of escapism. ELAWIATR escapes to art escapism. "
She likes to flaunt her wealth.
Motto: “Where is the throne?”
Drink: champagne
Originality: she is not original. Everything is focused on her own ego.
Originality: she is not original. Everything is focused on her own ego.
Subtlety: depending on the day, she fluctuates between vulgarity and a large class subtlety
Success: she is born to succeed. Wealth and property are not important for her. Instead, she values preconscious and subconscious.
The successor, Ela Wiatr resembles a bold unicorn. Her beautiful, strong and warm infinity beams in the darkness for hours . . .