ELAWIATR and David Lynch.
To be ELAWIATR means not to agree on the final shape of any works of art.
Paying homage to Ela Wiatr means to think about art in terms of something that deviates from set rules or conventions. ELAWIATR is a break from habits. She is infinity. There is no difference between a sideways glance or art thinking of oneself and ELAWIATR. Her face and eyes hidden behind glasses are something incredibly revealing. Not only because she is used to flashes but also because she puts herself forward for a challenge, various challenges.
In the attitudes of ELAWIATR e can observe a vein of her New Renaissance Art. On the one hand she can be treated as so-called visages of a dandy, a celebrity who keeps distance to reality. ELAWIATR allows to criticize her views. ELAWIATR is a person whose each photography leads to NEW RENAISSANCE. Thanks to it, she can stand aside and look at the whole scenery of events she has provoked. Why does she do this? Because she does not want any event to overshadow her thinking, emotions and way of speaking.
There is an ability to see yourself, not as a fixed personality, but as a person with several incarnations who can manage without other avatars. The process of separation and bonding is permanent. In her photography we can observe that there is a huge gap between how she portrays herself and other people. ELAWIATR reveals herself from every angle, she shows her front, back, soul, wildness, naturally / artificiality and compulsiveness. Yet, we know so little about her. Why ELAWIATR agrees to give an interview during Paris Photo? For this reason that photography did not express her personality. Her personality was looking for photography just to reject it. From one session to another, and so on and so forth. She never gives up her deadly serious game of being an artist, designer, poet, a photographer or a model because she has found who she really is : New Renaissance's Art

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