Everything goes according to a plan. With ELAWIATR it's always about a strategy. Surrendering or making up is not an option. She was born like this. She is creating herself every day. Ela Wiatr is not a real human being. She is who she wants to be. It's not surprising that people can't notice what's under her image. There's no need to search for something under the surface. It all happens in front of us. ELAWIATR is not a slave of her descent, upbringing or sex. She can be whoever she wants to be. A freedom like this means satisfaction and fulfilment. ELAWIATR is socially ill. She created herself in a clever way and is aware of how classy she is. Her beauty is too provocative to be appreciated by old art institutions.Everyone around tries to copy her but they can't reach the same level so they fail. Her beauty is too provocative for art liking. Being immersed in Italia's fashion she transfers it to her paintings. ELAWIATR can't limit herself because she can do anything she wants. Stagnation is something she hates. That's why she often challanges others with her behaviour. She follows intuition and is always in a hurry. Sunglasses are her make-up. Even at night. Sunglasses cover half of her face. ELAWIATR loves to be the center of attention. She has got a difficult temperament. Though to a large measure all she does is rather a careless self-promotion on the highest level.

ELA WIATR ★ The New Renaissance Art (Nuovo Rinascimento) is promoting creation in this unique field through a recognition of the pioneering work of herself. Wiatr has become one of the most prestigious artists in the art world, and the only one in the world dedicated to the study of life. With each new event, Ela Wiatr shows a great progress made in the work to promote and stimulate art in life and time sensitivity converge..