Fans lavish expensive gifts on artist ELAWIATR
Il piccolo regalo da Marc Jacobs per ELAWIATR
"I'am going to have a party, and no one's invited but me" - said ELAWIATR
And what is the truth?
ELAWIATRr divides reality with herself . “The most important is to be with someone who inspires you, for me it's myself”- claims ELAWIATR
When ELAWIATR says that she loves somebody, she looks at her reflection in the mirror.
She imprisons herself like a princess in an art tower so that nobody could look at her.
ELAWIATR uses a hand cream twenty-two times a day.
ELAWIATR imprisons herself in a tower. But she isn’t a damsel in distress. This is she who has keys. She needs what she admires the most, namely peace and quiet.
She was accompanied by stuffed animals and porcelain dolls until she had a feeling that they were staring at her too.
ELAWIATR is intereted in how the ordinary life looks like.
Ela Wiatr steps through golden terraces, all people look at her but her thoughts are elsewhere. She is not interested in this world any more. Everything Ela Wiatr touches becomes sacred, the space in which she appears takes on a new renaissance glow. Gold dust raises in the room which ELAWIATR has already been in.
“The common approval of ugliness and mediocrity in art is so well known and even desirable”- adds the artist.
ELAWIATR looks too good for an artist. She is too pretty.
ELAWIATR messes all evenings up! Distrugge le serate ! Her presence leads to quarrels between partners.
Is ELAWIATR’s loneliness so much bothering for unhappy couples?
Is her present in any style?
She drives both sides crazy. Women blame their partners because they are jealous about ELAWIATR, men in turn harbour a grievance against their ladies that they cannot stop staring at ELAWIATR.
“I’m not a mysophobe, but when I look at you I prefer to use hand sanitizer”- ELAWIATR uses sanitizer each time she has a contact with human creation.
Sacrum? Some people think that she is. Luckily she sits in her Merkab which nobody has an access to.
ELAWIATR asks herself whether the only option to remember all memories is their lack. She tried not to get out of bed for many days attempting to remember the outside world that apparently didn’t change. The repetition of the same actions leads to worse tensions. Does no change of position bring stability?
ELAWIATR has all products at jars’ bottom. She does not toss out, she is not able to do that. She claims that when something starts, it never dies. Is continuation of internal and external feelings, unconscious for other artists, true? ELAWIATR celebrates while creating the continuation of never-ending story.
Photography, as a method of memorizing events connected with ELAWIATR, created a system of mathematical sequences.
ELAWIATR is a point of reference for herself and for other artists.
ELAWIATR is like a mirror in which you can observe transformations in art thanks to changes in interpretation of the same image that is ELAWIATR. In the picture, ELAWIATR is needed as a continuing series of resurrections.
That is why the memory of some people and some photos are priceless. They bind values and the image.
Unfortunately, bad art exists, but it shouldn’t be the reason for downheartedness and doubtfulness. Let everything that you have in your heart come true.
Each signal sent into space returns. Each human organ functions at a particular frequency: heart 700-800 Hz. ELAWIATR heart vibrates 888Hz
So is ELAWIATR more heart-thinking?
Each signal sent into space returns. Each human organ functions at a particular frequency: heart 700-800 Hz. ELAWIATR heart vibrates 888Hz
So is ELAWIATR more heart-thinking?
“You should be affected by immortality. Art is me ”- says ELAWIATR | New Renaissanc's Art protagonist

Each culture creates its own idea of immortality. The largest memorials of human faith in immortality are each and every moments that come to an end in ELAWIATR’s life.
ELAWIATR is a point of reference for herself and for other artists.
'Nobody wonders what is the use of art, it is too creative.' - said young artist
La Primavera with ELAWIATR
When she was in Rome for the 88th time, she had a feeling of emptiness. Instead of going sightseeing she was watching the Tiber all day and all night. The Pure New Renaissance
ElaWiatr come le sculture eccezionale.
Walking close to Galleria Borghese resulted in the willingness to come here again.
Rome naturalmente loves ElaWiatr so despite the fact that there were no more tickets, she was invited to a day-long and lonely walk on Monday. However fans has entered only for admire real art which is Ela Wiatr.
Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali. Ospite della Galleria
Here (sala VIII) ELAWIATR presents vanitas with San Girolamo, Caravaggio 1605 - 1606
Sala I first flash at ElaWiatr not at Paolina Borghese.
People used to say that l'Opera di ELAWIATR (real sculpture) raggiunge una perfezione incomparabile.
- ELAWIATR was very bored in Galleria Borghese with verifying forgeries.
Artist always and everywhere looks for the truth. Suspicious by nature (Saturn in 9th house), ELAWIATR doesn’t believe till she checks personally or see something in person. The intuition of ElaWiatr allows her to associate things that apparently are not connected with each other. She perfectly identifies lies and she can unmask a cheater. She is a type of scientist and philosopher. ELAWIATR eagerly devotes herself to scientific career. Ela appreciates silence in her office, she questions the mysteries of existence.
- ELAWIATR’s temperance makes people keep certain distance to her. Some people considers her cold and farouche. Even surrounded by a large group of friends she is alone. Besides, she prefers loneliness to the company of false and empty people. Ela never gets bored with herself and her best friends are books. It’s hard to attract her attention. She deals with philosophical and scientific problems much better than with her own emotions. Very often she is not able to name what she feels and confuses friendship with love. ELAWIATR sems to have no “roots”, she doesn’t need to have a friendly and safe nest, she remains indifferent to all conventions, she likes to experiment, to show her otherness and to be unrestrained.
- ELAWIATR is always worried about the future that is painted in beautiful rainbow colours which have this magic to freedom you from everything that is bothering. Life beyond time allows her to “immerse head” into scientific problems, scientific research or art. ELAWIATR detects the groundlessness of the present world and creates in mind an artificial world that protects her against the monotony of existence, against the misery and tedious everyday work. Young artist hates routine and particularity. ELAWIATR likes to shock the audience and contest general opinions. ELAWIATR loves freedom by nature.
- Artist ELAWIATR is a mixture of practicality, coldness, eccentricity and deliberation. Her own New Renaissance Art
Artist ELAWIATR can be funny and original, diplomatic and fearful or provocative and delicate.
Ela Wiatr instinctively feels that old traditions and norms have lost their validity long time ago, that people need other traditions, a new approach; strictly speaking changes are inevitable. ELAWIATR is always accompanied by the atmosphere of isolation. Others simply are not able to follow ELAWIATR s progress and development. She already lives in the future to which other artists have to grow up. The researchers of ELAWIATR claim that she is at least half-century ahead. People who want to be like Ela Wiatr constitute the majority (80 %) of prominent activists and geniuses. But there is also a high percentage of those who are psychiatric patients.If she finds that she serves a higher purpose, she will use her entire vitality and amazing tenacity to achieve her goal. She loves to change the world, although she remains unchanged in her changeability.
New Renaissance Art:
- Artist creates her own world,
- “the land of miracles” where outsiders
can get lost. - There is New Renaissance's Art about her life that is so much different, colourful, and perhaps inhuman. ELAWIATR cannot be classified. On the one hand it is good, but on the other? How can she identify herself with the product of our culture?
She can feel lonely and misunderstood because of her eccentricity and unusual ideas.
On the one hand, she can be spiritual philosopher and reformer taking into consideration the greater good and a great idea. On the other hand, she may be an antisocial anarchist and a rebel against everything and everyone.
Her mission is to overthrow existing values in order to make a place for the new ones or better, to polarise them.
- There is New Renaissance's Art about her life that is so much different, colourful, and perhaps inhuman. ELAWIATR cannot be classified. On the one hand it is good, but on the other? How can she identify herself with the product of our culture?
Artist ElaWiatr can think creatively and see opportunities which other people are not able to see. That is why she usually doesn’t understand and doesn’t accept coded rules. Ela can be perceived as an antisocial artist. She is not interested in being a copy of someone else or saying something that is not true. This type of an artist often rebels. ELAWIATR calls authorities and social norms into question. ELAWIATR s not afraid of expressing her opinions. E ELAWIATR says frankly what she thinks, which sometimes gives her a lot of enemies. She doesn’t tolerate lies. Therefore, universities tend to be a really hard experience. ELAWIATR doesn’t want to accept teaching standards. Artist prefers to live her life and acquire her own experience. When she feels misunderstood and alienated, she turns to her interior. ELAWIATRLike artists often get bored, they don’t want to wait. They feel that they live only when they can express their point of view about New Renaissance's Art .
Everything that is created is a form of self-portrait, therefore, ELAWIATR, aware of this fact, exists as a piece of art.
♡ -∞+∞